Investigating the Ghost Hunters

Charging a Fee

If any "ghost hunters" want to charge you a fee, ask to see their occupational license for indulging in the business of ghost hunting, paranormal investigation, or whatever it is they are charging a fee for.

If they do not have a valid occupational license, they are operating outside of the law and should be reported to the police or code enforcement. Are these the kind of people you want to invite onto your property and take advice from?

If they do have a valid occupational license make sure it is for ghost hunting or paranormal investigation and not something else such as handyman, carpet installation, etc. This would also be dishonest. Are these the kind of people you want to invite onto your property and take advice from?

The Bait and Switch

Some of the cons out there include a free investigation but charging a fee for the results. (Which is not disclosed beforehand.) Another is that the results of the investigation indicate that a psychic must now be brought in to communicate with the spirits for a fee. Would you like a house cleansing to go with that for an additional charge? How about having your chakras cleansed as well so a spirit can't attach itself to you?

The only thing these people will cleanse is your wallet. They are all CON ARTISTS trying to feed off scared people looking for help. The good news is that there are honest, dedicated researchers out there if you look for them.

Yes, this is the crap going on ever since those schlocky ghost hunting TV shows appeared.